Ideas for Sharing


Sharing God’s Plan Publicly

There are many ways to use your customizable God’s Plan Gospel Template. Since its online on your own Church website we encourage you to present it from your projector as a sermon on Sunday morning once a quarter or so.

This experience will not only allow visitors to hear the Gospel, some perhaps for the first time but equally important, members will see that its available on the Church website and that you endorse its use, they’ll see your commitment to sharing the Gospel and your passion for the lost and they’ll experience first hand how to present it clearly.

What’s the Last Thing the Person Sees (on Your Website) Before They Receive Salvation

 1. Sharing the Gospel from the Pulpit during Sunday Worship
2. Children and adult Sunday School classes
3. Evangelism Training Courses
4. Share at the first meeting of each Home Bible Study so some might believe and others will see it as a tool to use privately
5. Men’s and Women’s Group Meetings
6. Retreats (Revivals, Teens, Young Marrieds, Family, Singles, Seniors, etc.)
7. Evening/Special Services
8. Youth Groups including AWANATM and others

Your God’s Plan Gospel Template customized for your Church’s website provides opportunity for you and your congregation to share the Good News with anyone, anytime and anywhere they’re online.

Sharing God’s Plan Personally and Privately

This will then encourage others in your Church:

9. Knowing the Gospel is now available on your Church website they can use their phones, laptops and notepads
10. To meet with family and friends to “walk them through the Gospel”
11. To see an incredible opportunity to develop highly motivated individuals in your church to learn and grow in discipleship
12. Project your God’s Plan header (with video) onto your sanctuary wall before services begin.
13. Use your “Smart TV” during parties (Christmas, Thanksgiving, et al), before Home Bible Studies, Church monitor displays and nearly anywhere else a TV or monitor can display your God’s Plan Gospel Template for background interest.

Imagine how excited you and your Church would be to hear testimonies of faithful members sharing the Gospel with friends and family
…And, because God’s Plan Gospel Template is “in the cloud” it can be used anywhere, anytime, by anybody. Even those who go to other Churches that don’t include the Gospel on their website.

These suggestions will spark conversation in all these settings and allow you to scroll down (when appropriate) to explain the Gospel if the person is interested. You can also inform them that if they’d like to know more then they can go to the designated link on your Church’s website.

Silent Sentinel

The most obvious benefit of your customizable God’s Plan Swaps Gospel Template is that it resides 24/7/365 on your Church website and allows the Holy Spirit to lead others there to confront them with the Gospel and their need to put their faith in Christ.

Most likely the unbelieving visitor last Sunday will visit your Church website during the week to learn more about your ministry and upon discovering God’s Plan learns how they can come to Salvation? Would a youth visitor or member on the verge of some life changing decision, good or bad, land on your Gospel page and find Christ there waiting for him or her? What scenarios can you imagine that the Holy Spirit could use if God’s Plan was available around the world and around the clock? Imagine the lost opportunities to share God’s plan of salvation if it’s not available.

See 4 Scenarios

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