Your customizable God’s Plan Gospel Template allows different responses from your Church’s website visitors. Because of the flexibility of God’s Plan Gospel Template you will have one of 4 responses. At best, they will receive Christ as Savior, respond positively using your ODC (Online Decision Card), they’ll be grafted into your fellowship and become fruitful members of the Kingdom.
Scenario 1: Seeker reads your God’s Plan Gospel Template but doesn’t inform you
Person visits your website, reads your customizable God’s Plan Gospel Template + ODC and doesn’t complete the ODC (Online Decision Card). While you may not know whether or not they made a decision for Christ and just opted not to complete your Online Decision Card you can at least take comfort knowing your online ministry has provided a means for Seekers to be exposed to the Gospel…and assume the Holy Spirit is moving.
Scenario 2: Seeker completes your ODC because they have questions
A visitor to your site may read your customized God’s Plan Gospel Template but does not put their trust in Christ. However, they do complete the ODC (Online Decision Card) to request help with a question. The ODC gives them the option to provide as much Contact Information to you as they want. With your ODC you give them the opportunity to contact you to discuss their interests in eternal life and your church.
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Scenario 3: Seeker makes a decision for Christ and completes your ODC
An individual visits your church website, discovers your customized God’s Plan Gospel Template, puts their faith in Christ and completes the ODC. Within seconds you receive an email informing you of their decision and they include adequate contact information. You are then able to contact them and discuss there decision, invite them to your services and hopefully become a productive contributor to your ministry. You or someone in your church trained to do follow-up , uses the Beginning with Christ Assurance Booklet, or a similar tool, to meet with him/her for 5 to 6 weeks to discuss the promises of Scripture about God’s promises and assurance. (See more about effective follow-up tools).
Scenario 4: Seeker makes a decision for Christ and completes your ODC…but he/she doesn’t live in your community
The “Network” component of TheaXiomNetwork: Someone from outside your community providentially visits your church website, makes a decision for Christ and completes the ODC with their contact information. You contact them to discuss their decision but you realize they don’t live close enough to your church to benefit from your ministry. Of course, you want to help them in their spiritual walk so you go to and find another aXiom Partner/Member in or near there community and suggest they visit that church. You can also ask their permission to contact that church pastor and tell them about their decision and suggest they contact him/her and try to transition them into their church.
* To see how USChurchInfo /aXiom, PA helps with referrals view our fictitious city of Axiom, PA. You’ll immediately recognized fellow aXiom Members by the “100,000 Logo” next to their profile.