Putting Your Confidence in TheaXiomNetwork
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- Speed of launching your online evangelism ministry. 10 minutes-
- Convenience. Contact us anytime from anywhere. We’ll respond with 24 hours (including holidays) for technical questions.
- Cost: One time cost of $49.99 / 365 days= $.0136 per day.
- Security: Your link is secure against malicious code, etc etc etc Note: TAN has no control over other areas of your website and therefore cannot be held responsible for problems/issues encountered other than the God’s Plan Gospel Page we provide. ?????????????
- Community: When you become a member of TheaXiomNetwork you automatically become a member of our network of over 100,000 US churches with FREE listing (you’re probably already listed) icons ??? and other amenities at
- Maintenance: Nothing to worry about. While you carry on ministry our team is hard at work assuring your online outreach efforts are optimized and those seeking Christ’s offer of eternal life can find it on your page.
- Creative input: Select a professionally designed “header” (out of 3 to 4) available year round that most suits your ministry and change as often as you life (holiday header options included).
- Inspiration and Motivation:
- Conferences (online) and Training (online)
- Social Media impact: Add your branded Gospel Plan Template to your Church social media platforms (FacebookTM, TwitterTM.) or if desired, to your church member social media and personal/business sites.
- Teamwork: You get a team of passionate, “heart for the lost” professionals to help you launch and maintain your online evangelism ministry.
- Tools & Supplies: aXiom offers time tested follow-up tools by cutting edge ministry sources. Our tools are “evergreen” and need very little explanation. They can be mailed to those who put their faith in Christ or preferably, setup meetings individually with the New Believer and begin what could become a lifelong, multiplying discipleship relationship.
Effective Follow-up Begins with Great Tools
Suggestions for Effective Follow-up:
Note: These items are recommended for effective Follow-up with a New Believer but are not Required. If you prefer materials from your Church or denomination you are still invited to become a Member of TheaXiomNetwork.
- Mail to Decision Maker: The most obvious and simplest way to minister to a New Believer after their decision for Christ is to contact them and chat about their new life in Christ and let them know you’d like to mail the Beginning with Christ booklet (or some other material) , encourage them to attend your Church the next Sunday and allow you to meet them and help them get settled.
Great Follow-up requires great follow-up materials to share with the new believer. Beginning With Christ is a simple but thorough Biblical solution for discipling those just starting out in their walk of faith. - Meet 1:1: Perhaps the most fruitful, and joyful, way to utilize the Beginning With Christ booklet on an individual basis is to complete #1 above and request weekly meetings with the individual over coffee, breakfast, etc. and discuss each Scripture verse, the overall concept of security in that week’s verse and pray and encourage him or her. Either before or after referring to the verse in the booklet and discussing it we strongly recommend you show and explain each verse in a Bible so they can see for themselves that it’s Scriptural. Point out how this truth can help on a daily basis, schedule your next meeting and end in prayer. What a great way to launch a personal discipleship ministry in your Church.
- Discipleship Sunday School classes: One way we’ve personally used both booklets is to teach a five week Sunday School class (a 5 week class for each booklet) for New Believers. Organize the teaching around each verse, discuss relevant applications and verses, ask how they can apply the verse to their own lives, challenge them to break up into two’s and three’s and quote the new verse to each other and review previous verses, end in prayer and encourage them to live out the reality of these verses in their daily lives throughout the week. Lots of laughs, thoughtful discussions, relevant prayer and more. This series is one of the most fun and fruitful classes we’ve ever taught.
Rock Somebody’s World Today!
Matthew 7:24-25 - Sunday Morning Sermon: Pass booklets out as your congregation enters for Sunday worship and then teach/preach through the one verse per week and others relevant to the topic. Both New Believers and “Seasoned Saints” will be blessed (and will tell you so!). Depending on their own maturity they’ll use the booklet personally for personal edification, teaching their own disciple(s) or giving to friend and family member. Most members have never had the opportunity to learn these truths especially in such a succinct and simple way. Preaching through this series could be one of the greatest blessing you can provide to your Church.